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来源:本站原创  发布人:秦秋怡  发布时间:2016-03-14  浏览次数:


一篇文章要做到思想清晰,内容有序,必须围绕一定的中心逐步去展开。看下面短文问 题何在。

At present, Television has been an important entertainment tool. In spite of its some disadvantages, I think that its advantages outweigh disadvantages.

People can learn all types of news from television, for example, current affairs, film, advertisements etc. But it takes too many money to buy. In addition, people can comfortably watch program uncostly with family at home. Although there is some noise after television is switched and it is harmful to our lives, in addition, many people certain to believe that television is beneficial to our lives.

这篇短文除了用词造句方面的错误外,主题展开中思想混乱,条理不清。从首段看文章 主题是“电视优点胜过缺点”。接下来拓展段里时而说它的好处,时而说它的弊端,语句也不 连贯,让人摸不清作者到底倾向什么观点。看修改过的内容:

There are four reasons why television is beneficial. First of all, television gives us the news quickly. When there is an airplane accident or other problem anywhere in the world, we can know about it in a very short time. Secondly, television enables us to see distant places and foreign people, through which we can learn about other cultures. Thirdly, many lonely people watch television because they have no family and few friends. Television can make their lives a little happier. Most importantly, television provides good entertainment. After a long day at school or at work, we do not need to think hard when we watch TV. We can just sit and enjoy it. It is clear that television can be a good part of our lives.

首句为中心主题,统领全文。接下来逐条叙述电视给我们带来的好处,层次清楚。最后 一句总结全文,呼应首句。

因此,一旦确定一个主题,就应态度鲜明地以它为中心,去展开论证或叙述,不要受其 他因素的影响,弄得主次不分,更不能喧宾夺主。

此外,为了清楚有序地展开主题,达到理想的说服或叙述的效果,必须讲究段落展开的 方法。从近几年考试情况来看,基本上是先描述图表,再以此为基础进行论述。描述一般包 括时间顺序展开法和空间顺序展开法;论述则涉及到列举法、举例法、因果法、比较法和对 比法。